Meet Z



Alex, Alexander, Zander, these are the names I go by, in reality, I am simply a man on a mission.

Traveling the world (at least part of it) with a backpack opened my eyes to the realization of how FUNdamentally important Play is to our state of mind and overall physical health. Along my journey, I also came to recognize that relationships are what the world is built upon.

Combining the life skills that I have accumulated, along with some masterful training, my goal is to awaken fellow humans who want to be the best they can be and have a desire to make the world a better place.

If not us, who, if not now, when? or something like that…

Let’s do this!

My exploration into relationship focused studying began with an introduction into the teachings of Jayson Gaddis. Desiring to learn more after being lured by some of the tools he was sharing, I thought to myself, “why didn’t anyone teach me these stuff in school?”. I think that maybe, just maybe, traditional schooling is falling behind on (or maybe a distraction from…) what we need to truly thrive in our world. I dove into becoming a Coach to help spread the message. These skills can help transform your relationships, ALL of them; most importantly, the one with yourself.

Meeting Jayson in Boulder for graduation was a highlight. Not only do we wear the same sandals, Jayson impressed me with his hack and juggling skills… instantly putting him in the “awesome human” category in my book.

If you want to have some amazing tools in your box, The Relationship School® can help in all of the right places. The wisdom absorbed is transformational, I can officially share it with you!


Yes, relationships are great, inevitably they are the foundation of our society! Yet the most important relationship you can have is with yourself… that is my true passion, reminding us to Play With Thyself and awaken your PlayFlowState. To this end, I created a website for the Path of Play. Learn the Ultimate Brain Exercise with the world’s most complete course on juggling… for free. Welcome to your Playground.

Another important foundation of life is our physical health. My Play world was shut down when I got an inguinal hernia back in 2015. I focused my attention and healed it completely in 30 days. Recently, encouraged by the reactions from a video I shared about my experience, I launched a website,, which has some free resources as well as a 30-day protocol that goes into details about the journey. Check out my blog on sports hernia treatment without surgery.

Blessingz & aloHA!

Life is a Playground…

with mi boy enjoying nani loa Kaua’i circa 2011